HERE ARE THE COMMANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! there are also some secret booby traps if u can find them! ~ Chat Message Commands ~ !superrat - ascii rat in chat garfield - ascii garfield in chat !johnny / dogehype - ascii johnny test in chat joe / joe mama - funny hehe joe mama joke for him !fc / !friend code - eyfey's switch friend code !find hat ___ - Helps you find which number a specific hat is !hatlist - link to hatlist !secret word - link to list of past secret words and winners !points - how many secret word points you have !commands - link to this list !pronoun - link to site to set chat pronouns !quotelist / !quotes - link to quote list !quote ___ - quote in chat for that quote # (or first quote containing the typed keywords) !quote 0 / !quote - random quote in chat !addquote / !add quote / !quote add - adds a quote to the quote list (quotes should be things said by eyfey, but if someone else said something funny in chat you want to quote that's fine too- just make sure to include their name when adding the quote) ---- ~ Image on Screen Commands ~ rat - rat Friend appear moon - summons moon sun - summons sun ice cream - summons ice cream for him cinnamon - cinammon water !waffle - waffle jumpscare !jumpscare / !scare - scary gif n sound too scary - furby tells you its okay !manatee - its manatee !vday - random valentines heart gif (you can also follow up vday with one of the following for the specific heart: beans, bicycle / bart, boohbah, goofy / george, him, moon, peepy, sans / luffy, sus / quote5, peewee) !tire - mario tire gif !boohbahvisit - boohbahs they come to visit !woodpecker {vip & mod & sub only} - Woody Woodpecker !eyes / horse - horse eyes skittles - skittles nuh uh - TF2 nuh uh ---- ~eyfey Commands~ !lob - slowly throw object at eyfey !attack {vip & mod & sub only} - throw object very hard at eyfey !protect - protects eyfey from attacks (disables all attack commands) !unprotect {mod & sub only} - attacks are back (undisables attack commands) !hatlist - link to hatlist !hat ___ {vip & mod & sub only} - Free hat redeem (must enter a hat number after "hat ") !temp ___ - 1 minute of free hat (must enter a hat number after "temp ") !spin {vip & mod & sub only} - free spin on the hat wheel !egg - gotta play where's an egg !bald {mod & sub only} - bald toggle !teeth {mod & sub only} - toggle teeth [currently broken] !bandaid - adds bandaid [currently broken] !unbandaid - removes bandaid ---- ~ Sounds ~ !tts {vip & mod & sub only} - free tts w cooldown !ttts {mod & sub only} - unlimited tts no cooldown !silence {mod only} - disables all sounds !unsilence {mod only} - unsilences sounds !slow - sounds in slow mode !fast {vip & mod & sub only} - returns sounds to fast mode !sound - random sound from the sound folder !boo - crowd booing !car - car honk !chicken - chicken sound !clap / !applaud - Applause !clown - clown honk !crow - caw !dedan - dedan from off !drumroll - drum roll !enoch - enoch from off !fart - toot !farverb - fart with reverb !goose - goose honk !honk - random honk !parrot - parrot sound !squeak - squeaky toy !superploo {vip & mod & sub only} - a lot of ploo !ploo - one ploo aeiou - moonbase alpha aeiou !augh - pufferfish sound bark / dog - dog bark bloo - bloo wahoo (lanky kong) boggle - Hank of the Hill Boggle bonk / coconut - coconut hit sfx boom - vine boom boowomp - spongebob boowomp bwamp / bwomp - trombone (tuba?) cake - cakey candy - candy dallas - Hank of the Hill Dallas flimpy - lanky kong flimpy !quack / duck - duck quack eebydeeby - eeby deeby john madden - moonbase alpha john madden meow - meow miaou - Off Zacharie miaou no - Ena no oony - lanky kong noony noo nya - anime nya oh no - kidpix oh no oof - roblox oof oops - kidpix oops salad - Hank of the Hill salad thwomp - thwomp sound (thank u nightbot) uh oh - kidpix uh oh vworp - vworp wahoo / yahoo - mario yahoo wow - wow yippee - german boy yippee yipee - mario yipee yippie - anakin yippie ---- ~ Super Special Commands ~ !chorby - Mimzbear only !rats - lummophoenix only